Regulatory Information

Burnetts Solicitors LLP is a limited liability partnership registered in England & Wales, number OC429221. The registered office is Victoria House, Wavell Drive, Carlisle, CA1 2ST where a list of members is kept. Burnetts is a trading style of Burnetts Solicitors LLP. Unless otherwise indicated, either expressly or by the context, we use the word “partner” to describe a member of Burnetts Solicitors LLP or an employee of Burnetts Solicitors LLP in their capacity as such.

Burnetts Solicitors LLP is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority no. 838512

838512- Victoria House, Wavell Drive, Rosehill, Carlisle, CA1 2ST

8000122– Hadrian House, Wavell Drive, Rosehill, Carlisle, CA1 2ST

58000118– 3a Lakeland Business Park, Cockermouth, CA13 0QT

8003089– 2.3B The Beacon, Beaufront Park, Anick Road, Hexham, NE46 4TU

8007462– Windermere Rd, Staveley, Kendal, LA8 9PL

8000116- 7th Floor, 1 Citygate, Gallowgate, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE1 4JE

Burnetts Solicitors LLP is subject to the the SRA Standards and Regulations.

Our partners, associate solicitors and assistant solicitors are all qualified solicitors as defined by Sections 1 and 87 of the Solicitors Act 1974. They are individually registered with our professional body and subject to our professional rules.

Our legal executives are fellows of the Chartered Institute of Legal Executives and are subject to its code of conduct.

For certain activities, Burnetts Solicitors LLP is also authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Our FCA number is 117030. If you cannot settle your complaint with us, you may be entitled to refer it to the Financial Ombudsman Service at or by contacting them on 0800 023 4567.

If you are a client and we have made a contract with you by electronic means (website, email, etc.) you may be entitled to use an EU online dispute resolution service to assist with any contractual dispute you may have with us. This service may be found at

Please note we do not accept service of court documents by email.

Our VAT number is 256 3123 76.