20th January 2025

Family Mediation Voucher Scheme set to end in April

Family Mediation Voucher Scheme set to end in April

Family Mediation Voucher Scheme set to end in April…

A reminder which we hope is useful – The Family Mediation Voucher Scheme, which provides a contribution of up to £500 towards the mediation costs for eligible cases and supports people in resolving their family law disputes outside of court, is set to end in April, so if you believe you would benefit from family mediation and want to avoid the costly process of going through the Court for resolution, it would be worth you looking into whether you’re eligible as soon as possible.

There are ongoing attempts to extend this scheme by the Government however, this is not guaranteed.

What is family mediation?

Family mediation is a process where a trained mediator helps to work out arrangements between parties concerning children, finance or property.

When you make an application for a court order in relation to many types of family law disputes, you must show the court that you considered family mediation, by having attended a Mediation Information and Assessment Meeting (known as a MIAM), unless you are exempt.

Voucher Scheme

The family mediation voucher scheme is a time-limited scheme, designed to support parties who may be able to resolve their family law disputes outside of court. It was introduced by the Government to try and encourage parties to resolve disputes outside of the Court. To support this, they offer a contribution of up to £500 towards the cost of mediation.

Eligibility for a mediation voucher

On attendance of a MIAM, a trained mediator will assess the issues which you seek to resolve to see if they are suitable for mediation and meet the eligibility requirements for the voucher scheme.

Not all cases are eligible under the scheme. The case types specified below are eligible for a mediation voucher:

  • a dispute/application regarding a child
  • a dispute/application regarding family financial matters where you are also involved in a dispute/application relating to a child

It is important to remember that mediation is only an option when both people agree to take part in it, so you and the other person will need to agree to mediate.

Once the mediator has assessed the case and decided whether you are eligible for the voucher, they will apply for it and the funds will be paid directly to them once all mediation sessions are concluded. You can only claim one voucher per family/case.

For more information on the voucher scheme and whether you could be eligible please follow this link to the Government website: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/family-mediation-voucher-scheme#eligibility

If you are looking for a mediator in Cumbria or the North East, we are more than happy to recommend some Authorised Family Mediators who will be able to assist you with your matter.

If you are seeking advice relating to a children matter or financial issues on divorce, then please feel free to get in touch with us on 01228 552222 or hello@burnetts.co.uk and ask to speak to a member of our Family team to set up an appointment.