Medical Negligence

Bariatric Surgery

For many people, undergoing surgery for weight loss is a last resort that is undertaken after much planning and deliberation. Sadly, mistakes can be made during the surgery or aftercare that can have a devastating impact.

The main types of weight-loss surgery carried out in the UK are:

  • Gastric band surgery – this involves placing an adjustable silicone band around the upper part of the stomach. It works by making you feel full sooner so that you eat less and ultimately lose weight as a result.
  • Gastric bypass surgery – a weight loss surgery procedure that uses both restrictive and malabsorptive elements. The result is you simply cannot eat as much and thus you absorb fewer calories.
  • Biliopancreatic diversion – A biliopancreatic diversion is similar to a gastric bypass, except the stomach pouch is connected further along the small intestine.
  • Gastric balloon – A non-surgical procedure where a soft, expandable balloon is placed into the stomach using a thin tube passed down the throat (known as a gastroscopy). The balloon is then filled with sterile saline fluid. When full, the balloon makes you feel fuller sooner.
  • Gastric Sleeve/Sleeve Gastrectomy – is a restrictive procedure to remove about 70% to 85% of your stomach so that it takes the shape of a tube or sleeve.