16th March 2023 ❘ Legal News and Commentary
Lewis Capaldi – Pointless
Lewis Capaldi’s new video tells the story of how the father in a family who suffered stillbirth set up a football team as a way for bereaved fathers to come together. You can watch it here.
Our solicitor and former midwife Michelle Armstrong comments “In my experience of dealing with families who have suffered the loss of a baby, as both a midwife and a lawyer, it is clear to see how difficult it is for fathers dealing with not just their loss but also the pain of seeing their partner suffering such unbearable loss, which they just can’t fix.
“It is so important that fathers’ needs are recognised when a family has to deal with the tragic loss of a baby and it is wonderful that Lewis Capaldi has drawn a spotlight to this with the incredible and inspiring story of Rob Allen who set up Sands United Football Club, as a safe space for men to share to come together and support each other through their loss.”
Sands – baby loss charity is a brilliant organisation which supports anyone affected by the death of a baby. It has a wealth of help and resources here: https://www.sands.org.uk