Caroline is Head of our Court of Protection team, based in Newcastle.
A qualified Chartered Legal Executive with a strong specialism in the Court of Protection, Caroline’s role involves working closely with vulnerable adults and children, and their families in the management of their property and affairs. Caroline is a full member of STEP, an organisation whose primary purpose is to improve public understanding of the issues families face in relation to inheritance and succession planning and is a member of STEP’s mental capacity special interest group. Caroline is also one of our First Aiders and Mental Health First Aiders providing support to her colleagues if required. Caroline leads our Court of Protection team supported by two Paralegals.
While claims for damages are ongoing, Caroline liaises with litigators in medical law and personal injury to ensure the client’s needs are met and arrangements are made regarding care and support, equipment etc. Once an award is made Caroline is a core part of the client’s day to day support team which also includes their family, case managers, therapists and care workers. Caroline has more than 15 years’ experience working with clients with disabilities in the area of Court of Protection and so she has been invaluable to families in providing support on purchases and adaptations of property, specialist equipment and vehicles. Her aim is to ensure that the best quality of life possible for a client by good management of their damages award. Caroline is very keen to ensure the support she provides enables her client and their families to concentrate on family life.
Caroline also provides support and guidance to family members who themselves are or wish to be Deputy for a loved one. Often providing a service for the completion of their Annual Report to the Court of Protection.
Outside of work, Caroline is a committed supporter of North East charities including the Percy Hedley Trust and Breast Cancer Now.