Serious Injury
Head and Brain Injury
We have experience working with both adults and children who have sustained head and brain injuries and understand the trauma they can cause both for the individual and their loved ones.
We always do our utmost to help secure the best possible future for our clients and their families.
We work hard to provide a complete legal service and will look to secure early interim payments as part of the legal claim. This can optimise you or your loved one’s recovery with support and rehabilitation packages, obtaining specialist aids and equipment, addressing any accommodation needs and much more.
Our goal is to support our clients to make the best possible recovery so they can return to leading full and active lives.
Whatever level of injury it is important that you receive the very best advice, treatment, rehabilitation and care as quickly as possible. Financial compensation can also be used to alleviate some of the immediate financial difficulties which can be caused by even a minor brain injury.
It is therefore essential that you seek legal advice from an experienced personal injury solicitor who understands the complex nature of brain injuries as soon as possible following your injury.
Every head injury is different
A head injury can change you or your loved one’s life in an instant. According to the charity Headway – the Brain Injury Association, every 90 seconds in the UK someone sustains a brain injury.
The severity of the initial head injury is not always an accurate indicator of long-term problems. Even mild brain injuries can result in long lasting or life-changing impairments affecting not only the person injured but also their families and those close to them.
The symptoms of brain injury can be very subtle and the fact that someone has a brain injury is not always obvious to others, which is why it is often called a ‘hidden disability’. Even minor head injuries can cause long term problems which might include:
Cognitive problems:
- Memory problems
- Difficulties with attention and concentration
- Difficulties with planning and problem-solving
- Taking longer to process information
- Difficulties in multi-tasking
- Difficulties in understanding and communicating with others
- Loss of skills in managing day-to-day affairs including finances
Physical and sensory problems:
- Persistent headaches
- Nausea/vomiting
- Visual disturbances (double vision, blurred vision and difficulties with bright light)
- Inability to cope with loud noise
- Loss of hearing
- Feelings of dizziness/vertigo (can be linked to vestibular injuries or damage to the inner ear)
- Loss of physical feeling or movement
- Altered sexual drive or function
- Altered sleep patterns
- Fatigue
- Loss or reduced sense of smell or taste
Behavioural and personality changes:
- Inappropriate behaviour
- Being irritable or easily angered
- Feeling depressed, tearful or anxious
- Impulsivity and self-control problems
- Feeling frustrated or impatient
It can be frightening and distressing for anyone dealing with these wide range of symptoms. That’s why we are proud to work alongside leading experts in brain injury, both in terms of treatment and also as medical experts for a legal claim.
Rehabilitation and Support
We will work with the existing specialist head injury experts within the NHS to ensure that your ongoing care and treatment is as seamless and straightforward as possible.
It is important at this most difficult of times that you and your loved ones are supported and able to gain access to the right kind of help and advice. Indeed, rehabilitation is an important part of the recovery process and therefore you or your loved one need to gain access to appropriate rehabilitation as soon as possible.
Rehabilitation following a brain injury can take many forms and this could include input from a number of specialists including neuropsychologists/psychologists, speech and language therapists, occupational therapists and neuro-physiotherapists.
Long-term support
Depending on the severity of the head injury you or your loved one may require long-term support over a lifetime.
The local authority may well provide some care and support to families and individuals who have sustained a severe head injury. However, funding may well be available through your personal injury claim.
The aim of this support is to enable you and your family to live as independently as possible. The level of support will be assessed carefully to try and reflect your long-term needs.
Our aim is to support you through the legal process but also make sure that you or your loved one achieves the best possible recovery following brain injury.
Legal Issues
If we deal with your personal injury compensation claim, we will do so on a completely No-Win No-Fee basis.
Please try not to judge the circumstances of your own case, as your solicitor can best advise whether any compensation is recoverable. This is particularly the case with head and brain injury claims as the person injured will often have no memory of the incident itself.
Our Medical Negligence and Serious Injury (MNSI) is led by a number of highly experienced solicitors, some of whom have more than 20 years expertise in dealing with personal injury and medical negligence claims.