Divorce And Separation
Divorce and older couples
With the growth in wealth for many older people and the improvements in health leading to people living longer, it is now not at all unusual to find couples divorcing after 25 or 30 years of marriage or even longer.
Frequently there are multiple assets and sizeable incomes and pensions which all require particular expertise to obtain the best outcomes. Very frequently such families have one or two self-employed breadwinners and almost all of the divorce cases our Family Team handles involve a business of one sort or another.
Often couples separate on fairly amicable terms making these relationship breakdowns particularly suitable for mediation, collaborative law or round table without prejudice meetings.
Our team uses all of these approaches to try to help couples to go through their divorce with the least pain and confrontation so that they can keep talking to each other and enjoy happy relationships with their children and grandchildren.
If any of this sounds familiar to you and you would like to know more, then you can contact us on 01228 552222 and we can help.