Medical Negligence
Cosmetic Surgery
When making the decision to have a cosmetic procedure you trust the work is being carried out by a fully trained and experienced professional. The effects of negligent surgery can be life changing, effect both your mental and emotional wellbeing, as well as leaving physical reminders such as scars.
Cosmetic surgery claims include poor outcomes with:
- Breast augmentation/reduction
- Facelifts
- Liposuction
- Laser Treatments
- Rhinoplasty
- Abdominoplasty
You may have received negligent care if you were not correctly informed about the risks involved in the surgery and you did not sign consent forms giving authority for the surgery to take place.
You may have also suffered medical negligence if your surgery was not performed correctly or did not receive the appropriate after care. This may include not having received regular check-ups with your doctor or surgeon and dressings or stitches not being monitored and changed regularly.